Knox Box Rapid Entry Systems
Key Lock Boxes
[Adopted 6-10-2008 by Ord. No. 6-2008]
§ 128-11. Key lock box systems required.
A. The following premises shall be equipped with a key lock box at or near the main entrance or such other location required by
the Fire Chief or Fire Official (exceptions: owner-occupied one- and two-family dwellings as defined in the Uniform
Construction Code):
(1) Premises protected by an automatic fire alarm system, automatic firesuppression system, and/or standpipe system;
(2) Premises equipped with an elevator;
(3) Premises, as determined by the Fire Chief or Fire Official, secured in a manner that restricts access during an emergency;
(4) Premises that are required to prepare and have available material safety data sheets and/or hazardous chemical inventory
forms under the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA Title III);
(5) Premises that are "life hazard uses" as defined in State of New Jersey Uniform Fire Code, N.J.A.C. 5:70, Subchapter 2; and
B. All newly constructed structures subject to this article shall have the key lock box installed and operational prior to the issuance
of an occupancy permit. All structures for which certificates of occupancy have been issued as of the effective date of this
article and subject to this article shall have a key lock box installed and operational on a voluntary basis.
C. The Fire Chief or Fire Official shall designate the type of key lock box system (such as Knox-Box®) to be implemented within
the Township and shall have the authority to require all structures to use the designated system.
[Amended 12-5-2016 by Ord. No. 25-2016]
§ 128-12. Lock box type and contents.
The Fire Chief or Fire Official shall approve the type of key lock box and its location prior to installation. The key lock box, at a minimum, shall contain two sets of keys and combination access codes shall be provided to the following areas:
A. Locked points of egress, whether in interior or exterior of such buildings;
B. Mechanical and boiler rooms;
C. Rooms containing fire-protection equipment, sprinkler controls and fire alarm components;
D. All locked fire-protection devices that require restoring;
E. Elevator control rooms;
F. Any fenced or secured areas; and
G. Any other areas difficult to access as determined by the Fire Chief or Fire Official
§ 128-13. Security padlocks and key switches.
Premises protected by fences, gates and related barriers presently secured by a padlock, electronically operated or automatic gates, or other control circuits that control access to the premises shall be equipped with a high-security padlock or emergency override control device (key switch) that is master-keyed at a location approved by the Fire Chief or Fire Official.
§ 128-14. Security caps for Fire Department connections.
A. When a building is protected by an automatic sprinkler system or standpipe system and the Fire Department connection(s)
is exposed to undue vandalism, the Fire Chief or Fire Official may require that a Fire Department connection security cap(s)
be installed. The Fire Department connection security cap shall be a type approved by the Fire Chief or Fire Official.
B. All structures subject to this provision shall have, in addition to a key lock box system, locking Fire Department connection
caps installed and operational prior to issuance of a certificate of occupancy or within the time frame set forth regarding time
for compliance under this article.
§ 128-15. Tamper switches.
The key lock box may be required to have a tamper switch wired to the building's security alarm system in all buildings that are so equipped.
§ 128-16. Additional items within lock box. [Amended 12-5-2016 by Ord. No. 25-2016]
In addition to the items listed in § 128-12, the following may be required by the Fire Chief or Fire Official to be stored within the key lock box:
A. Card containing the name(s) of building emergency contact personnel and their telephone numbers in the event of an
B. Floor plan of premises;
C. Right-to-know records and material safety data sheets (MSDS) listed in alphabetical order;
D. Locations of all utility and fire-protection controls (electric, gas, water, sprinkler/ fire-suppression control valves); and
E. Any other contents as may be required by the Fire Chief or Fire Official.
§ 128-17. Time for compliance.
All existing buildings shall comply with this article as set forth in § 128-11B. All newly constructed buildings not yet occupied or buildings currently under construction and all buildings or businesses applying for a certificate of occupancy shall comply prior to obtaining a certificate of occupancy.
§ 128-18. Rules and regulations.
The Fire Chief or Fire Official shall be authorized to implement rules and regulations for the use of the lock box system.
§ 128-19. Violations and penalties.
Any person or entity violating any provision of this article shall, upon conviction, be subject to a fine of not more than $1,000. Each day the offense occurs shall be deemed to be a separate offense.
§ 128-20. New plans submitted to Planning Board; catalog cut sheets.
The lock box system shall be on all new plans submitted to the Planning Board in support of an application for a proposed building to the extent such a building falls into the categories set forth in § 128-11 of this article. Catalog cut sheets of the system shall be supplied for review by the Fire Chief or Fire Official.
Knox Box
**It is important that you select the correct fire department from the list (Westampton Twp FD & FPB). If the wrong fire department is selected, your Knox products will not work for our fire department and you will be subjected to a $25.00 re-keying fee from the Knox Company.**
